A cigar subscription is perfect for every cigar aficionado. It allows you to save time cigar shopping and browsing. Joining a monthly cigar club lets you have a new, high-quality cigar designed for you. Each cigar subscription is different from one another and provides varying benefits. If you are unsure which one to join, here are the best cigar subscriptions for you.
Rare Cigar Club
At $42.95 a month and a shipping fee of $5, you get four hand-rolled, small-batch cigars that are rare. They feature high-quality aged tobacco blends from boutique manufacturers. Sample brands are Graycliff, Cohiba, Alec Bradley, and Macanudo. Each rare cigar has a value of about $12 to $15. It is a sister club of Original Premium Cigar Club. Tasting notes, cigar and manufacturer profiles, and alcohol pairings are also included.
Original Premium Cigar Club
Joining this club at $27.95 a month lets you have five hand-rolled, premium cigars. These are from top boutiques and super-premium cigar producers across the globe. The shipping fee is $5. You get tasting notes, cigar profiles, and manufacturer profiles for every shipment. Included also are alcohol pairings. Each single of the five cigars varies in size, shape, and tobacco blend.
Southern Cigar Co.
Subscribing to this cigar club costs $39.95 a month. You get four authentic, imported cigars that are beautifully-handcrafted each month. Each new membership lets you have a lighter and cutter on your first shipment.
Privada Cigar Club
For $25.99 a month, this subscription provides you some of the rarest, limited edition cigars. Some cigars are so exclusive they are not available in the same size as you receive them. Answering questions, such as about smoking habits, is the first step in joining a cigar club.
Finding the best cigar subscription box depends on each person. What one may consider the best may not suit the preference of another.