Before you buy a used car, you should inspect the vehicle for it’s good condition. There are certain things that you should take note of when looking for the perfect used cars in tucson. This checklist is a good place to start your search by finding any potential problems with the car and getting it fixed before purchasing it.
- Lights – if your headlights, taillights, brake lights and turn signals aren’t working, then that is a problem. Some things can be easily fixed or replaced with new bulbs.
- Wheels – the wheels of your car should be kept in good condition. If there is any visible damage to the wheel rims, it could mean a costly repair bill down the line. Make sure that all tires are properly inflated and that there are no visible tears on the tires themselves.
- Engine/Transmission – get inside of your car and make sure that everything under the hood is working properly as it should be. Check for any odd sounds or smells coming from under the hood. Leaks of any kind should be looked over thoroughly.
- Exhaust – the exhaust manifold is critical to engine performance and reliabiliy. It should be inspected for rust and corrosion that can foul the catalytic converter which will make your vehicle run less efficiently. If there are any holes in the exhaust manifold, it will cause various problems for your car’s performance such as a rough idle and poor gas mileage.
- Interior – like the outside of your vehicle, the interior should be in good condition. Look for any tears or stains on the seats or on the floor mats to see if you would want to take it into consideration or not when buying a used car from another owner. Check for any signs of a previous cigarette fire or smoke smell that may have happened in the past.
- Down Below – make sure that all of your vehicle’s lights, cruise control, gas and brake pedals are working and are not worn out in any way. Pull up your car’s carpet and check for leaks. If there is severe damage to the carpet, you might want to consider looking at another car altogether.
- Standard Checks – make sure that your tires are all properly inflated to the factory recommended PSI range as stated on your tire treads as well as on the sidewall of each tire itself.